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Evento Terminado

Extraperitoneal robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy (ERARP)


Plataforma Webinar


Quarta-feira, 14 de Abril de 2021 às 21:30 →
Quarta-feira, 14 de Abril de 2021 às 22:30

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Sobre o Evento

Radical prostatectomy using an extraperitoneal approach has been shown to recover faster and with less pain in the postoperative period than the intraperitoneal approach. For this reason, extraperitoneal prostatectomy is the most correct approach to be performed on an outpatient basis.

The purpose of this webinar is to teach the different steps of extraperitoneal robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy performed by multiport and single port with the visualization of two semi live surgeries performed by very experienced surgeons. In addition, webinar attendees will have the opportunity to discuss with the speakers the advantages and disadvantages of the two robotic systems for surgery.



Explain how the extraperitoneal space is created, the port placement and the docking in da Vinci XI robotic prostatectomy performed at CUF Hospital

Explain the technique of creating the extraperitoneal space and the docking of the da Vinci single port robot

Describe and show the different surgical steps of the two surgical techniques multiport and single port extraperitoneal prostatectomy

Elucidate how to select the best patients for extraperitoneal approach

Provide tips and tricks to improve the efficacy of the radical prostatectomy

Discuss and clarify the advantages and disadvantages of the extraperitoneal approach compared to the intraperitoneal approach, as well as the two types of robots



Estevao Lima, Simone Crivellaro, Pedro Bargão, Riccardo Autorino



21h30 – Extraperitoneal Da Vinci XI robotic-assisted prostatectomy – Estevao Lima

21h50 – Extraperitoneal Single Port robotic-assisted prostatectomy - Simone Crivellaro

22h10 – What is the best patients for extraperitoneal approach? – Pedro Bargão

22h20 – Is Da Vinci SP a Revolution or a Rip-off? – Riccardo Autorino

22h30 – Take home messages and final remarks



The course is intended for urologists wishing to extend their knowledge concerning extraperitoneal robotic prostatectomy and improving their practical skills.


Mandatory registration. 

Webinar language: english

Preços por participante

Extraperitoneal robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy (ERARP)
